Small Groups and Ministry Opportunities

At Living Waters Tabernacle we want you to feel safe and welcome, so that you can be transformed by the Holy Spirit. We want you to come as you are to worship and learn more about our Savior. We have several small groups that are designed to help you grow spiritually and connect with others in our church family.  Begin your journey towards growth in Christ with us.
Living Waters Tabernacle is committed to spreading the gospel to the lost, training disciples who have a heart for Jesus and a love for people. Our goal is to use every opportunity and venue to reach the hopeless, helpless, and hurting. Jesus died for the imperfect that he could make all things new again.  Ministry is more than attending church; it is about taking the church to the streets and communities to touch people whee they are and bring them to where He is. 
Living Waters supports the Good News Club at Old Fort Elementary School.
Operation Christmas Child
Shut-in Ministry
Jail Ministry
Tutoring on Wednesday Nights
Buildings and Grounds
Public Relations
Worship Team
Church Security